Support for Businesses in Bury
Bury Council Forms to access Government Support
Bury Council have now updated their website to include information on grants - I've tried to include the most helpful links below so you've got easy access!
General COVID-19 Grants and Grant Eligibility Criteria
If you believe you meet the eligible criteria please provide your bank details using the form below.
Bury MBC - Confirm Bank Details
Retail, hospitality and leisure discount
Bury Council's Information and advice RHL Discount
Bury Council have identified the businesses entitled to this discount. New bills were sent out at the end of March 2020. If you have not received an amended bill and you believe you should be eligible, please complete the form below with your details and Bury Council should come back to you.
Bury Council Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Discount Form
Information on Nurseries and Early Years Providers can be found below:
Nurseries will not have to pay business rates in 2020/21. If you have not received an amended bill by 14 April 2020 and you believe you should be eligible, please complete the form below with your details and Bury Council will get back to you.
Business Rate - Nursery Contact Form
Greater Manchester Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (GM CBILS)
The Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (GM LEP) working with the Growth Company, has unlocked an initial £3m package of urgently needed financial support for Greater Manchester businesses battling the impact of coronavirus. The funding was given emergency approval by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and GM LEP, broadening funding eligibility and capacity to save jobs and businesses.
Private sector investors are invited to further boost the funding support available to struggling businesses in the region, working alongside the public sector to protect jobs.
Administered by GC Business Finance (GCBF), the Greater Manchester Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (GM CBILS) is now ready to provide loans of between £5,000 and £250,000 to qualifying companies on a first come, first served basis. It will be delivered by GCBF alongside the Government Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.
The GM CBILS backed funding will bring vital additional capacity to existing Government schemes, meaning that more business in Greater Manchester will have access to the funding they need to meet the challenge of the Coronavirus outbreak. This Greater Manchester approach will help support SMEs that may struggle to secure finance support from their banks survive and grow.
Coronavirus GM CBILS Eligibility and Application
National Links
For the latest advice and support to businesses nationally, please see the attached link(s) below or call the National Business Support Helpline on 0300 456 3565.